September 30, 2006

Revisiting Podcasting Resources

I am continuing to follow up on podcasting resources and keep in touch with the development of online sites that share and help extend our knowledge and use of podcasting.
The Recap group in the UK continue to exand their 'Podcasts for educators, schools and colleges' website (see the 'educate' blue link in the tool bar to the right as well!). Directed by Dave Jobbings this service aims to present a verified collection of podcasts and resources. Podcast Bangladesh has its own page am I pleased to see time has been put into developing an attractive and functional website to showcase the work of schools around the world. The Podcast Resources page provides a chronological list of relevant links. In particular I will mention the online course for educators called 'Podcasting Basics'. Using Moodle, this coures invites participants to login and share ideas and resources as they work through the content, and it's free!

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